The Leader Mill – Readying Men to Lead Tomorrow

Too many young men are ill-prepared for adult life. And too few adults invest in helping them learn what’s needed. The Leader Mill seeks to connect these two groups in a carefully designed crucible of tactical stress and focused training that will produce the future citizens and leaders we need. And you can be a part.

Be A Mentor

At The Leader Mill, we have noticed that, over time, the Church has come to discount and, in some cases, ignore the various skills, gifts, talents, and interests that God has bestowed upon its members.  This, of course, was not intentional.  But gradually the Church has elevated the gifts and training of its clergy to a certain preeminence that has relegated the valuable contributions made by men (and women) to periphery.  It's worth repeating that this was not done intentionally.  However, we as the Church have considered the cultivated talents and skills that were not honed within a seminary experience are somehow less important and incidental.  We believe that the exclusion of these gifts from the core activities of the life of the Church has come with serious consequences.  And we are aiming to restore these gifts to the Body.

Are you a man or woman who knows something about something? No, really. Do you have any expertise of any kind? If so, we have a need for you at The Leader Mill.

We need mentors to spend one Saturday (4 hours) per year sharing your knowledge, expertise, and wisdom with our cadets. What kind of expertise? Well, that’s up to you. At the core, we want to cover basic car maintenance, house maintenance, the balancing of a budget, and effective communications, but that’s only a start.  And, you'll have help.  Each mentor encounter will be conducted by no fewer than three mentors at a time; 1 Supervisor and at least 2 assistants.

We want to cover it all and also create connections throughout the church. So no matter what your gifts or talents, reach out to us and we’ll find a slot for you to feed into these young men.

Click here to connect and we’ll reach back to you to talk more.