The Leader Mill – Readying men to lead tomorrow

Too many young men are ill-prepared for adult life. And too few adults invest in helping them learn what’s needed. The Leader Mill seeks to connect these two groups in a carefully designed crucible of tactical stress and focused training that will produce the future citizens and leaders we need. And you can be a part.

Be A Donor

As a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) we have a number of financial needs. Especially as we build towards our inaugural class launching in the Fall of 2025. Here’s how you can help:

  • Residence – During their training, all 6 Cadets will reside in a single home that needs improvement.  This residence is our biggest expense by far, and we hope to secure it before Spring 2025.
  • Cadet’s Camping Gear – Each Cadet will accumulate their own gear as their prepare for outdoor adventure and excursions.  Anonymous donations can be made that will be evenly distributed to all Cadets.
  • Cadet’s Set of Tools - Cadet's will be assembling a "Tool Box" that they will take with them after graduation.  These will serve as the foundation of tools they will collect for the rest of their lives.
  • Financial donations - Many of the training exercises will be on location and encompass travel and participation expenses.  Travel and accommodations, at times, will be financially taxing on the Cadets.
  • In-kind donations - TLM will be looking to use donations of funds, professional talents, and materials to incorporate into Cadet training.

Be A Supporter

There are also opportunities to assist The Leader Mill through "Who You Know" networking, the sponsorship of events, etc. We especially need:

  • Contacts within local churches and like minded organizations.
  • Contacts within local businesses

Be a Mentor

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