The Family Man

At The Leader Mill (TLM), we believe that one of the greatest responsibilities a man can enjoy is the headship of a godly family.  Too often, young men receive their first exposure to family life responsibilities only after they are married.  While “perfecting” marriage is a lifelong pursuit, and whereas most wisdom will come from on-the-job training, we believe that young men can benefit from an early introduction to the basic elements of being a husband and father.  Cadets will receive instruction on important disciplines and practices that a godly man will need in order to lead his wife and children in development of a healthy family life.

Cadets will be trained in the importance of courtesy and conscientiousness.  They will become well-mannered and focused on an “others oriented” approach to the proper protection and nurturing of those under his care, especially his wife and children.

Cadets will learn valuable life skills that will permit him to be a contributor to household living including domestic independence and childcare.  For example, Cadets will receive supervised training in tending to newborns and infants and gradually become comfortable with the challenges associated with childcare.  They will be given opportunities to learn how to play with children in ways that are most receptive to them.

TLM is looking for Mentors (within this discipline, we include Women) who are gifted in “domestic engineering” and who have the heart of a teacher.  They have extensive experience in managing a household and raising a family under the banner of Christ.  They properly manage their finances and know how to shop for good values.  And they actively engage their families in Love Languages that the family members understand.

If you identify with this mission and have the heart of teacher, we would like to talk to you about your involvement in TLM mentoring.  All Leadership Mentors will work in units with no fewer than 3 members.  They will share in rotation the responsibilities of accountability with the Cadets and take turns in initiating in their outreach and follow-up with the Cadets’ progress.